You may have noticed that:
-I've been MIA
-My regular blog is down
-My sites give "server errors" and "404" and "403" errors
-My shopping cart is down so I cannot get you all products you're requesting (don't worry-- it's not you!!)
-My email has not been working
Well, for the past week (yes, it always starts when I'm out of town on business) I've been dealing with my Demon of a Service Provider, Startlogic.com.
Years ago I would have given them glowing reviews but this past year has been filled with nothing but trouble and lost work time because of issues on their end. It makes you realize just how much we rely on companies like this to do what they promise and we often operate our business in the trust that they will complete their end of the deal. This is hardly the case for Startlogic. This is the third week in the past year where I've spent 20+ hours on with Tech Support with no resolution or follow-through on their end. The crazy thing is they are ranked up as #1 on many of the major ranking sites.
Earlier today Sara (who's been here while all of this is taking place) says "you really do have demons after you" and I said I felt like I was being attacked this week. Funny thing is we found this site that reviews other's experience with startlogic and someone quotes "Now I know that there is only ONE startlogic experience. The experience of waking up knowing a demon has your site, your countless hours of work, in its hands. If you are the type of person who would let a convicted child molestor take care of your children then startlogic.com is your ideal host. "
Soooo... I say my prayers, rally up the legal support, file my BBB report, and pray some more....
Oh yes, and if ANYONE has recomendations on hosts that do not give you the run-around and have servers and employees that actually work FOR you not against you, I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE the recs!!
Mediatemple.net has been outstanding with service for over 5 years for me! I love that they always answer my stupid questions any time of day. -Rachel Priddy
Thanks Rachel!!
Hi Liana,
This sounds like a disaster and very stressful! I tried purchasing your Brand Camp DVD yesterday and saw the error code and figured you had hosting issues. Hang in there!
Try looking into DreamHost.com. I use them for 2 of my sites and so far so good.
I know all about having demons on your tail - tell them to go away and shout out those prayers!
I will look forward to purchasing that DVD when everything is back to the norm.
Hi Liana...
I started using WestHost several months ago and they have been good to me thus far. Good luck with your "demons"!
Hi Liana,
we have switched to medialayer after numerous horrible hosts (just google whatever host you are looking to switch to and prepare to be scared by the horror stories!). Not only did they personally move 2 blu sites for me, but they also moved our CMD website for our charity and our forums. They don't oversell so our sites always load fast. Our emails are always responded to by a real person, really quick and they will go out of their way to help ... we asked how the best way to go about moving our sites would be, they emailed asking for details of our old host...2 hours later our sites were set up ont he new hosting and we get an email asking if they can help with anything else. They ROCK with excellent customer service. anyway Im sure i now sound like an infomercial but i dont even work for them LOL (its Jess from australia by the way).
I currently use - no glitches after 2 years. Price is right too.
ugh - forgot to code that right - sorry!
I would say the same thing! Startlogic used to be a great company but now gives me nothing but headaches. I'm not sure what happened to them...
I'm like you, hate to say anything bad, but I saw a previous commenter suggested WestHost. I've been with them for a year now and every couple of months I find my site and blog down due to "emergency maintenance." They're always apologetic, but they never can do anything about it. I wouldn't suggest WestHost. GoDaddy.com was much more reliable and had much better customer service for me in the years I used them.
Digitaldata has been hosting me forever and is excellent.
You actually talk to the owner if things aren't working!
Sounds like my conversation with Verizon. They told me that the office which gave me the confirmation number to close my telephone account closed and they could not honor it. After being out of the country I returned to a $360 bill. I decided to owe that to them the rest of my life. (ha ha)
It was a good lesson to me about customer service.
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